This WIKI is all things relating to the Smallworld GIS Community. It provides a simple starting point on everything Smallworld. It has links to many pages concerning Smallworld GIS from General Electric.
Smallworld GNM Documentation site change
The domain name for Smallworld GNM documentation will shortly change from to Automatic redirection of old URLs to new will be in place, but you are advised to recreate any bookmarks as soon as possible. The old domain will eventually be retired.
The cutover date is anticipated to be week commencing 21st October 2024.
Note that Smallworld Technical Notes will also be affected at the same time. We are moving to a different process for producing the Technical Notes, and any old bookmarks cannot be redirected. The new process will ensure that we can publish Technical Notes quicker, more easily and with greater regularity.
Note on Redirection
You must use the "newer" documentation address not docs. The base page is
As of Dec 2019 was deactivated. sw-gis is the place to go!
There's also a small Reddit for Magik enthusiasts: .
You can follow the Twitter updates to this wiki by following (Doesn't quite work:( )
Want to join the site?
There are 2 steps. You must register as a WIKIDOT user and join the sw-gis site.
Joining site…
You must belong to the site to edit the pages. It is simple, go to join. Enter cst as the password and you can start editing.
Copyrights, Disclaimers, and other Legal Stuff
This is an unoffical website for Smallworld GIS from General Electric Power Systems. It is designed to be used and maintained by the Smallworld Community. Any Statements or references made on this website are purely the views expressed by the contributor and having absolutely nothing to do with General Electric and its subsidiaries.
Any of the trademarks, service marks, collective marks, design rights, personality rights or similar rights that are mentioned, used or cited in the articles of this website are the property of their respective owners. Their use here does not imply that you may use them for any other purpose other than for the same or a similar informational use as contemplated by the original authors of these articles under the GFDL licensing scheme. Unless otherwise stated this site are neither endorsed nor affiliated with any of the holders of any such rights and as such this website can not grant any rights to use any otherwise protected materials. Your use of any such or similar incorporeal property is at your own risk.