This page has been redesigned to show the different services companies offer. This should make it easier to find what you are looking for.
GE Digital Energy has a web page that identifies authorized partners at You can review this list (changing All markets to Geospatial Solutions) for links to those partners.
Data Conversion
Check out these companies to support your data conversion. Typically these will be system wide conversions to new platform or major release.
Smallworld Consulting Services & Devlopment
These companies provide Consulting and Development services.
MusePlay, LLC
A San Diego, California, USA based consulting firm that specializes in innovative, creative solutions to even the most challenging business and engineering problems. Our founder has training in Smallworld 4.2 and has developed various Google Geocoder plugins for Smallworld, custom TCP/IP sockets based clients to control and exchange data with Smallworld via custom TCP/IP sockets based servers running on Smallworld, etc.
Contact: moc.yxalaGrepyH|yalPesuM#moc.yxalaGrepyH|yalPesuM and +1-858-633-6630
Since 2001, Field Consulting and Services, Inc. has been providing consulting, software development, training, and data conversion services specializing in the use of GE Energy's Smallworld™ Core Spatial Technology Geographic Information System (GIS). Through innovation and perseverance, we continue to push the technological bounds and applications of Smallworld CST.
Independent Consultants
Check out these Independent Contractors. There are many independent contractors available to augment some development.