Needs Updating from the Online Community Presentation….
Online Smallworld Community Presentationwas presented at the 2011 Smallworld User conference.
Assembla Magik Components
This contains the latest copy of MCLIB, a relatively new copy of MUnit, and all new community code should be put here.
Latest MUnit
This contains the latest MUnit with a wiki with instructions. Magik Components
This contains Tim Minto’s free MSS software. This also contains an older version of MCLIB.
according to it is preferrable to use the code from the assembla repository above.
Igor's emacs modifications. He typically has the latest and greatest emacs running with all the Smallworld stuff plus new utils.
GitHub Projects
GE's Open Smallworld
This is GE's GitHub site where they are putting software that is for general public use. The support is probably limited (similar to "Class C"). But Kudos!
This will be where GE places their VS plugin that supports sessions/images. Mentioned in 2019 GE Americas Conference in Bellevue.
GE's MUnit. not sure what the difference is with others.
Smallworld 5 debugger. It runs thru a browser of some sort…
Visual Studio plugin for Magik code
Steven Looman's Projects
A tiny HTTP server framework, loosely modeled after express..
Smallworld XSD Loader is a tool which generates an magik/object model from a given XSD, version 1.1. It provides easy access to contents of parsed XML documents which conform to the XSD.
Robot Framework Magik
Provides Robot Framework keywords for automated testing Smallworld Magik images (4.x) and sessions (5.x). It includes also a Robot library and Python scripts to start and stop Magik images (4.x) / sessions (5.x) with a remote_cli.
This is fork of Assembla magik-components repository for GE Smallworld []
Magik development support for GE Smallworld for Emacs